Federal Judges have no understanding of what our founding fathers intended when they wrote "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, etc., etc." Constitutional Writers intended the First Amendments Five Freedoms ( Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly and Petition ) to be Untouchable Citizen's Rights.
This is made obvious by the Constitutional restriction places on our Only Authorized Federal Law making Institution. The Framers NEVER EXPECTED UNELECTED judges to legislate in areas UNTOUCHABLE by Congress and UNTOUCHABLE by the executive.
It is also obvious that our Constitution contains another UNTOUCHABLE doctrine - one continually violated - the Separation of Powers.
It is incomprehensible that over the years Congress has never ended these illegal violations by the Judiciary of the Constitution.
Article 3, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution empowers the Congress with the EXCLUSIVE authority to remove the Federal Judiciary's illegal meddling regarding the Constitution's Five Untouchable Citizen's Rights. America must end the ACLU and the Federal Courts constant illegal assault on out Blessed Religious freedoms, our Christian bible and our ten commandments.
I urge every God fearing and country loving American to demand that Congress take immediate action to secure our Untouchable First Amendment Rights.
Rocky Whitely,
Former Instructor in Government
Southwest Texas State University
6795 Highway 62 W, Eureka Springs AR 72632
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